Statistics: Golf

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General game statistics of Golf

Last reset: Oct 29 2023 17:00:00

Number of games played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
Deutsch 1 (20%) 4 (80%) 5 (0.02%)
English 1 302 (20.82%) 4 953 (79.18%) 6 255 (30.22%)
Español 451 (21.11%) 1 685 (78.89%) 2 136 (10.32%)
Français 1 300 (30.87%) 2 911 (69.13%) 4 211 (20.34%)
Italiano 465 (24.17%) 1 459 (75.83%) 1 924 (9.3%)
Português 1 793 (39.77%) 2 715 (60.23%) 4 508 (21.78%)
русский 239 (20.1%) 950 (79.9%) 1 189 (5.74%)
Srpski 110 (23.35%) 361 (76.65%) 471 (2.28%)
Total 5 661 (27.35%) 15 038 (72.65%) 20 699
Number of rounds played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
Deutsch 2 (10.53%) 17 (89.47%) 19 (0.01%)
English 12 383 (24.37%) 38 436 (75.63%) 50 819 (34.15%)
Español 3 511 (23.41%) 11 485 (76.59%) 14 996 (10.08%)
Français 12 973 (37.22%) 21 880 (62.78%) 34 853 (23.42%)
Italiano 3 215 (26.38%) 8 971 (73.62%) 12 186 (8.19%)
Português 10 942 (46.59%) 12 546 (53.41%) 23 488 (15.78%)
русский 2 149 (26.16%) 6 066 (73.84%) 8 215 (5.52%)
Srpski 866 (20.48%) 3 363 (79.52%) 4 229 (2.84%)
Total 46 041 (30.94%) 102 764 (69.06%) 148 805

Statistics Any language Any bots

Number of rounds and games played
  Total Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly
~Games~20 699114.5801.83 43641 837
~Rounds~148 805823.55 76424 704300 764
~RoundsInFinishedGames~105 423583.44 08417 502213 081

Approximatively 70.85% of the games are played to their end, while 29.15% seem to be interrupted in the middle.

Duration of rounds :

Options usage

Most addicted players

This ranking lists the players who played the most rounds and games since the last reset.

  1. nural: 3 313 rounds played
  2. zenicaja: 2 343 rounds played
  3. Starsky: 2 293 rounds played
  4. domatricedishirehorse: 2 163 rounds played
  5. jjt91: 2 116 rounds played
  6. jean-louis: 2 074 rounds played
  7. vulcano: 2 005 rounds played
  8. Cupidon: 1 932 rounds played
  9. green: 1 909 rounds played
  10. Dyann: 1 830 rounds played
  11. hugoluch: 1 823 rounds played
  12. jose: 1 794 rounds played
  13. princesse: 1 678 rounds played
  14. Evalddo: 1 651 rounds played
  15. cabotin: 1 609 rounds played
  16. stalker: 1 604 rounds played
  17. zieddu: 1 597 rounds played
  18. sarah: 1 425 rounds played
  19. blasgomezcaballero: 1 402 rounds played
  20. perlerare: 1 391 rounds played
  21. mpmuskie: 1 347 rounds played
  22. aylla: 1 312 rounds played
  23. mohammedantar: 1 305 rounds played
  24. Abidail: 1 302 rounds played
  25. goenji: 1 250 rounds played
  26. MC-BMQ: 1 235 rounds played
  27. Cristina: 1 178 rounds played
  28. Eduardo_sousa: 1 164 rounds played
  29. xandentro: 1 075 rounds played
  30. RoyMunson: 994 rounds played

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