Leaving the Playroom only disconnects you, but you don't go offline (rešeno)

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Skor: +17

1. Nikola,

this regression was introduced in the update of the 20th of February, which fixed the connection calculation.

If you click on Leave the Playroom, or exit with Alt+F4, you don't actually leave, but you are only disconnected. You stay online for as long as it's needed until the server automatically kicks you, which can be quite misleading, and you can miss several messages because people think you're still there. Sometimes, though this is very rarely, this actually works fine and you do leave. I haven't figured out what causes this to work, I have the impression that it works better if my internet is slower and I have more lag, but I could be entirely off here.

The interesting thing about this bug is that it affects only the Windows client. Of course, leaving from the Web by just closing the tab never caused you to go offline and this is intentional and should stay, but if you activate Leave the Playroom, you always leave, 100 percent of the times.

Can this work the same on the Windows client?

Also, I don't want to confuse this report any further, but ever since the April 2022 update, some people had the issue I am describing with leaving, even before the February 2024 update. For my part, I had this problem very rarely, but now it's the opposite, I have the problem almost always, and it works fine very rarely. Not sure if the client closes too fast or something, but hopefully it can be addressed.


Skor: +3

Poslednja izmena od strane Nikola, 6 Jul 2024 03:56:28

2. Nikola,

sorry for bumping this back up, it's not my usual practice, but could you look into this problem when you have some time?

Unfortunately this causes more annoying issues as a sideeffect, so it would be nice to resolve it. For example:

  • When changing your nickname, normally, once the nickname is accepted, it is enough to just leave the Playroom and login with the new one. However, now, since you don't actually leave the Playroom most of the times, logging in with the new one does nothing in practice and you still stay visible with your old one. You have to either leave from the Web or leave from Windows, wait 15 minutes, and then login, something that most users won't really know.
  • You may leave the Playroom, come back 5 minutes later, enter again, and realize that when you try to play a game, you can't actually start it. This is because the last time you were on the Playroom, your spectator mode was enabled. This was supposed to be reset once you left, but when you left, you didn't actually leave the Playroom properly, so it wasn't.
  • A player who is a table master may just quit the Playroom with Alt+F4, but, because of this issue, they now stay on the table until the automatic disconnection, causing them to stay the table master, or, in practice, nobody is really the master now.
  • Of course, the most obvious one, you may be sending private messages to someone who isn't even there, because they already left.


Skor: +4

3. Aminiel,


I have made some changes regarding connection management this morning. I don't think the problem is entirely solved 100% of the time, but I hope it's at least partially solved most of the time and it's better now. Keep telling your observations on the subject.

I'm afraid that one part of the problem is on the client, and so we will have to wait for a client update to have it fixed completely.

Thank you.

Skor: +2

Poslednja izmena od strane Aminiel, subota 09:36

4. Naday,

As a person with a very slow internet I dare to say the problem is fixed. Yes, perhaps not for good, I only reconnected twice to avoid spamming everyone on my friends list, but it works just as it is supposed to.

Edit: I saw a strange bug, or what seems to be. I see a certain user on the main room, but not on the online list, I'm guessing the person is offline, but it didn't go from everywhere?

Edit2: In fact, many people still seem to go offline at the same time, as if something would kick them all at once, but at least, there's no option to send them a private message, even if they are in the main room but not in the online list. It doesn't sound so client related to me, but who knows, maybe it's possible. Unfortunately, I have nobody to test it with, so I'm guessing if I discover something else it will be very limited.

Edit3: I managed to test what I wanted to, and in fact, we get the notification that a certain person has gone offline, but they actually remain on the main room. I'm not sure still how it works in tables, or if I'll get double notification when the person finally gets kicked from the main room.

Edit4: Indeed, and as I expected, the person goes offline twice. One when they go offline, and one when their user disappears from the list, that can be several minutes later.

Edit5: OK, the problem is on tables too, also as expected. I'm at the main room, yet I see this: Free table with Naday and, to add something to this one, I'm shown as offline when I am online!

Skor: +1

Poslednja izmena od strane Naday, subota 14:27

5. The-Chaos,

When I do alt f4, I leave, but still stay on the tables. Replicated with many people.

Skor: +1

6. Nikola,

basically, Naday explained everything, but I'll just briefly summarize it. In short, as expected when trying to fix connection management, now a lot is broken, but I think it only seems like a lot, in reality it's probably one thing causing multiple things to happen.

  1. If you are currently on an active table, leaving with Alt+F4, you leave the Playroom, but your table still remains active and a phantom you is the master. If somebody joins, they see you in the W/Shift+W lists, but you aren't actually online and they can't send you a PM and similar.
  2. It seems like if you join back yourself, everything normalizes so you can fix that.
  3. If you leave from the main room, you just remain in the W/Shift+W list of the main room.
  4. The automatic kick after 15 minutes still happens and it notifies the friends that you left, even though you left earlier, this one was notified by Naday, I didn't test it for now, but I guess this is because of points 1 and 2, that is, because of the phantom you remaining active on a table.

You also remain active somewhere else, but that may be fixed along with everything else, if not, I'd have to separately notify about that.

Skor: +1

7. The-Chaos,

Solved after the latest reboot, thanks.

Skor: +1

8. Nikola,

works great for me too, thanks for the fix.

Skor: +1

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