problem with sendin inbox messsajes

19 poruka, 1 stranica:  1 ↖ Vrati se nazad na listu tema

Skor: +0

1. italiano86 ,

i'd like to report a problema that i've been noticing with the inbox.
i can't send any messages there. when y pres the send option, it just returns to teh main menú but does not send the message.
what can be wrong?

Skor: +0

2. sweet_selena_2000,

yes, I have the same problem. help please.

Skor: +0

3. Jeff-Rutkowski,

I believe you have to add a recipient to the message.
There is no easy way to do that at the moment but for now, you have to enter their user name in the edit box that pops up after you've typed in the topic for your inbox message.

Skor: +0

4. Aminiel,

In case you didn't noticed it, the field to type your message is multiline. It means that it isn't sent as soon as you press enter. You must activate the OK button to actually send your message.

Skor: +0

5. sweet_selena_2000,

I mate it, but before, when I send messages, when I sendmy message,my screen reader said: message has bin send? and now, nothig happen?

Skor: +0

6. italiano86 ,

it's again imposible to send permanent/invox messages. when i finish typing my message, and i actívate the okay button to send it, it just does not send the message. it just closes the text, and takes me to the invox options but the message is not sent, and discussion is not even created

Skor: +0

Poslednja izmena od strane italiano86 , 20 Mar 2014 08:11:50

7. Aminiel,

Does it happens all the time or only sometimes ?

Do you have example of recipients / subject lines / messages which wouldn't be sent ?

Without examples or any logic, it's hard to determine exactly what would cause that kind of bug, and consequently it's also ahrd to fix it without any other clue.

Be careful not to send empty subject lines and/or messages, and remember that you are limited to at most 5 recipients.

Skor: +0

8. italiano86 ,

ok, i'll give you a detailed description of the problem:
i want to send a permanent message to a friend of mine, whose Nick in the play room is "alberniet".

  1. i look for alberniet in my friend list.
  2. i press enter on that Nick to display the available options for such contact, and then arrow down to the send permanent message option and hit enter.
  3. since the Nick is already shown in the edit field, i just press enter once again to type the subject. the subject is: long time you don't visit the play.
  4. once i've finished typing the subject, i press enter to display the text edit box which is multiline, and next, i type the following:
  5. hey Albert, it's a long time since you last entered the play room! why are you so lost? has anyone in the play done something that you didn't like, or you simply moved to another audiogame alternative. please reply once you come back to the play and see this message! me and our group of Friends are worried about your existence.


slann and Friends.

5. i tab to find the okay button, and press spacebar on it so that the message is sent.
6,. what happens next, is that the system puts me into the inbox options, which are: créate new discussion, open on the web, and return. but the options are the only thing displayed! the message is practically gone without being sent.
that occurs just always, and not only to me, but to many of us in the play

Skor: +0

Poslednja izmena od strane italiano86 , 21 Mar 2014 08:20:11

9. Aminiel,

OK, your message don't seem to contain any problematic content.

I have two other questions then:

  1. after your step #5, do you hear anything similar to "message sent !", or you are going directly back to the menu ?
  2. if someone else sends a message to you, can you read it and answer to it ? or whatever you may send and/or receive, your inbox stays always desesperately empty ?

Skor: +0

Poslednja izmena od strane Aminiel, 21 Mar 2014 12:43:48

10. italiano86 ,

ok: to your question number 1, i'll answer affirmatively. that means, that when i hit the okay button to send the message, it just says: create new discussion, which is the very first option in the menu. and, to your question number two, my answer is the second choice. that means, that noone can even send me a permanent messages, because the ones who try to do it, just face the same isue. so the messages just disappear like smoke in the mountain!

Skor: +0

Poslednja izmena od strane italiano86 , 22 Mar 2014 08:47:25

11. Aminiel,

I have tried to restore things from the database. You may have received back some old messagee that seem to ahve been indeed sent to your recipients although you saw nothing. You may also have received back messages that you had previously deleted.

  1. Did you received something ? How many messages ? Are they message that you sent but never saw, or only old deleted messages ?
  2. If yes, if you answer to one of these, do your new message appear ? I mean answer to the discussion, not create a new topic. You can safely delete again messages that you don't want.
  3. I see that you are a spanish player. Does it makes a difference if you try to look at your inbox or send messages from the spanish version or from the english one ? Switch language in the client using Shift+F3; do it before entering to the inbox.

A the moment, I have no idea what's going on, so new messages might, or still might not arrive. I will tell you to retry seriously as soon as I have set up some advanced tracing, with the hope to find exactly find where and why you have an issue.

Skor: +0

12. italiano86 ,

i just logged into the playroom, and received 7 old messages. these messages had already been sent. the recent ones which i tried to send, but disappeared, effectively did not arrive and thus i didn't get back. however, i tried to send a new one just before posting this reply, and it arrived successfully. i know because it was displayed and it sed. message sent.
about the language thing, the isue occurred no mater which language i was using. while facing the isue, i tried with the four languages and it was just the same. but now, new messages seem to be arriving! i hope you continue working on what you've said, so that the real cause is identified, and can be prevented in the future

Skor: +0

13. sofio,


The same problem occurred again

i can't send and receive messages

when i send a message the screan reader said "blanck" then i returned to the inbox and the first option appeered create a disscussion

Skor: +0

Poslednja izmena od strane sofio, 10 Jun 2014 19:26:51

14. italiano86 ,

yea, the issue is present for once again. permanent/invox messages are not sent

Skor: +0

15. Exink,


Certainly I haven't had any problem like that before, except once when I tried to send a permanent messages to the admins, but noting of that sort happened with regular players. Are you sure that you have put the destinatary correctly? Because I forgot it and first I put the subject in the field of the destinatary, and the problem ocurs, for logical reasons.

Skor: +0

16. italiano86 ,

yea, i am very careful in that sense. to explain the thing with details, i'll describe the process to you just the way i do it.

supposing that i wanna send a permanent/invox message to a friend whose username is water.bottle55,

  1. i go to my friends list by pressing control+f and choose water.bottle55 from such list.
  2. press enter and arrow down till screen reader says. send invox message or similar, and hit enter again
  3. the first field to display is the recipient field, so it is already filled with water.bottle55 as the recipient. i dont put anything else there because that's the only person i wanna write to. so i just hit enter to display the subject field.
  4. then i write the subject, let's suppose it's: please bring me my pizza. and hit enter
  5. the message text field displays, so what i will say to the person is:
  6. hey dude,
    i know i've been calling you on the phone many times, but you said you would bring me a chicken pizza last night, and you didn't! you left me totally chinese. don't forget it tonight.
  7. sinse this is a multiline text field, and the enter key will add a blank line rather than sending the message, i tab to the okay button and press space to activate it.
  8. after pressing space, the message is suppossed to be sent, but it's not. instead, the message disappears and focus is placed on the first option, which is, create new discusion. and the rest of the options apear but not the message.
  9. i know it's not sent, because i've confirmed with the recipients and they've told me that no message has arrived.
    note: water.bottle55 is not a real username, i just put it here for simulation purposes. when sending permanent messages i do it with people i do have on my list.

Skor: +0

Poslednja izmena od strane italiano86 , 17 May 2015 08:40:04

17. Exink,

Hmm, I tried to send you a message to make a test and your privacy is bloqued, but maybe it means that this is working here, so I couldn't say you what would be wrong at the process.

Skor: +0

18. Aminiel,

Does the playroom tell you that the message has been successfully sent after having pressed OK on the last dialog box, or it doesn't say anything ?

Does it happen only with one or a few particular users, or anyone ?

Does it also happen if you type the receiver's username manually, instead of choosing it from your friend list ?

Skor: +0

Poslednja izmena od strane Aminiel, 17 May 2015 23:07:26

19. italiano86 ,

when I press the okay button, the message disappears and playroom does not say anything. it just returns to the menu with the three options. create new discussion, open discusion on the web, and return. it happens with any person i wanna send a permanent message. even choosing from a list or typing it mannually. messages are definitely not sent!

Skor: +0

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