Group 1 Pirata70 Rasit Fire-starter Silver leaf57 Blind_tech95 abera-nemas no-name
group 2 MR magenta Bastibasti Besmiri neki-ludjak-tamo duni-vjetre jotes musiclover
group 3 Luchino Malo-preko-vjetre Damimamicinedamimami FranclinAlesiusMunford Tip-top Cristina-ioana Angelina-princes
Matches for group 1. pirata70 VS rasit. blind_tech95 VS fire-starter. silver leaf57 abera-nemas and no-name. matches for group 2. besmiri VS duni-vjetre. jotes VS musiclover. MR magenta bastibasti and neki-ludjak-tamo.
matches for group 3. Damimamicinedamimami VS tip-top. cristina-ioana VS angelina-princes. FranclinAlesiusMunford luchino and malo-preko-vjetre.
partecipants i scheduled the games now you have to talk with your mates to organize the hour of the match. then send me a private message with the date and the hour of the match. the uno league can now start!!
Skor: +0
2. Sajad-Aliraqi,
A clarification Damimamicinedamimami is back to his previous nickname Adventure-time Rasit was an account of Abdul and is now banned Neki Ludjak Tamo is Duni Vjetre now Abera Nemas is now Malo Preko Vjetre Tip Top is Abdul's account Have a good time organizing the tournament
Skor: +0
3. WindowEyes,
also, MRMagenta was banned, so don't count him in
Skor: +0
4. jotes,
mmmmmmmmmmmm now i have to cancel more people
Skor: +0
5. wolfi,
i can do it when is it?
Skor: +0
6. jotes,
the tournament will be play in the english server.
Skor: +0
7. Vojvoda ,
yo here is abera-nemas, hahah malo preko jetre is my nev nickname
Skor: +0
8. WindowEyes,
lol terec, you will not join.
Skor: +0
9. jotes,
ok now i have to organize the players. but i don't know why people doing 2 o 3 account if they ban them?
Skor: +0
10. WindowEyes,
I don't kno. Probably to spamm again.`
Skor: +0
11. fire-starter,
i agree
Skor: +0
12. jotes,
i think that the league could start on next 2/3 weeks. i want to have minimum 21 or 32 players. now we are 14.
Skor: +0
13. Sajad-Aliraqi,
Why don't you start now before Abdul come to register up?
Skor: +0
14. jotes,
i can start even now. before i don't know abdull so i don't know that he make fake.
Skor: +0
15. Gersonides,
Add Me if You have free Spots
I profair tomorrow to start The Tournament
Skor: +0
Poslednja izmena od strane Gersonides, 4 Jul 2016 21:01:32
16. Sajad-Aliraqi,
OK, I will message you privately Jotes and tell you his account!
Skor: +0
17. jotes,
so you want to start to day? for me is ok we are in 15 we can make 3 groups and a group will have 5 people.
Skor: +0
18. Adventure-Time,
Yoooo! I'm myself for it. Let's get this started. A-T / Damimamicinedamimami
Groups. Group 1. Malo-preko-jetre. Musiclover. Besmiri. Shark.
Group 2. FranclinAlesiusMunford. Silver leaf57. Angelina-princes. Adventure-time.
Group 3. Duni-vjetre. Jotes. Blind_tech95. Bastibasti.
Group 4. Luchino. Fire-starter. Gersonides. Cristina-ioana. Pirata70.
now tell me do you prefer do 1 VS 1 or 4 people in a table? let's wstart! will can start this evening 19.30 CET?
Skor: +0
20. Adventure-Time,
Agreed about the time. Oh, and definitely 1 V 1.
Skor: +0
21. WindowEyes,
I agree about the time.
Skor: +0
22. OrsoNero ,
I agree for the time.
Skor: +0
23. pirata70,
Hi everybody! I would like to start at 21 this evening. at 19 I usually have dinner.
Skor: +0
24. jotes,
pirata 19 30 is 20 30 hour italian if you have dinner in that time don't worry. to day will play the first group and the second.
Skor: +0
25. fire-starter,
i agree with the time
Skor: +0
26. jotes,
you want to make 1VS1 or evry players in the group?
Skor: +0
27. Gersonides,
I agree for The Time
Skor: +0
28. fire-starter,
me, doesn't matter
Skor: +0
29. jotes,
the randomize is don. now the matches to day (20:30) will play from group 1 musiclover VS malo-preko-jetre at 21:30 will play adventure-time VS silverleaf57 from group 2 tomorrow bastibasti VS Jotes from group 3 gersonides VS fire-starter
evry groups have a table in this table there are the points example In a table there is fire-starter me adventure-time and blind_tech in this groups will be play me against fire adventure against blind_tech next blind_tech against me and fire against adventure next fire against me and blind_tech against adventure in this matches the 2 players that have plus point will pas in the finals. this is a example. i will send people that monitor the games so that will look if is there keating. at the end the people that is monitoring save the table.
Skor: +0
30. Gersonides,
silverlib55 has been Replaced by Me, so I'll beat Adventure-time