Week 5, Uno league 2017-2018.

9 Nachrichten, 1 Seiten:  1 ↖ Zurück zur Themenliste

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1. Epic_Krrish,

Greetings all,

these are the match's of week 5:

Fawaz V Keywasful.
Fawaz V Dalibor.
Fawaz V Bastibasti.
Fawaz V Cristina.
MagicalKrrish V Guliwer.
MagicalKrrish V Cristina.
MagicalKrrish V ecstasy girl.
Yazan V Bastibasti.
Yazan V Claudiu.
Yazan V Cristina.
Nikola v Waternymph.
Nikola V Me-me.
Nikola v Trixabella666.
Waternymph V Bastibasti.
Waternymph V Badgirl.
Dalibor V Angelina-princess.
Dalibor V Everyone.
Angelina-princess V il_bell_ragazzo
Angelina-princess v Adventure-time.
Everyone V Policeman1.
Everyone V flavyanu.
Guliwer V Flavyanu.
Guliwer V Ecstasygirl.
Bastibasti V marina7.
Claudiu V il_bell_ragazzo
Claudiu V keywasful.
il_bell_ragazzo v badgirl.
Badgirl v keywasful.
Keywasful V Marina7.
Me-me V Policeman1.
Marina7 V Flavyanu.
Midomido V Mayank.
Ecstasygirl V ashraf.
Mayank V ashraf.
Me-me V Adventure-time.
Claudiu V Mayank.
Marina7 V Trixabella666.
Trixabella666 V Ill_bello_rigazo.
Policeman1 V Ashraf.

If any queeries or questions feel free to contact me.

Enjoy and all the best.

~msgScore~: +0

Zuletzt geändert von Epic_Krrish, Nov 12 2017 15:57:22

2. Ashraf,

Only 2 matches for me?

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3. Adventure-Time,

I also seem to have just two.

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4. Peggy_Bella420,

It still says week 4. He said greetings all, these are the matches for a week for when he means week 5 LOL

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5. Cristina ,

Lol Bella, he said: "Greetings all! These are matches for week 5"

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6. Nikola,

It indeed was week 4 but the post has been edited. In any case i would advise all players to disable privacy options during the league so we don't have to send requests to them.

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7. Peggy_Bella420,

Best of luck to everyone this week, and not just everyone. I mean everyone LOL hahaha smile

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8. medo,

i found only 1 match for me!

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9. Epic_Krrish,

hey sorry, adventure and mido, your other match's are as follows:

Adventure-time V badgirl.

Midomidomido v Guliwer.

Midomidomido V EcstasyGirl.

And Ashraf you have 3 match's lol.

If any questions feel free to contact me.


~msgScore~: +0

9 Nachrichten, 1 Seiten:  1 ↖ Zurück zur Themenliste

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