I think we can have also that game...

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1. NovaLenada ,

hi! first than all, good morning, good afternoon, good evening or good night, to the administrators, helpers, translators, and playroom users...
well, I think atleast someone else will agree with me...
I think we can have that game, quiz party. Now, this game is just available in french server, but I think would be nice if it is available also in the other servers, specially spanish and english, there are many users and I am sure, them, or we can propose questions, and someone can valid those questions, like in the french playroom.
Maybe it isn't about translate the french questions, I think, It is about write different questions, and maybe, translate some french questions to english and spanish, and the other languages, and also, spanish, english or another language questions can be translated to french... I personally would like so much this game, and, as I said, many users also want that game...
or, atleast, if in french server them have 25 games, we can have another different also :D

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2. dalimidvecimidvenedali,

Hey, i must agree... I like these games like trivia etc, so it would be realy great to have something similar on english server also...

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3. Riad,

Hey guys.
Just some thoughts: who said these games won't be out for the English playroom? Are the French users being treated better than the English ones? I know this wasn't said, but anyway since I'm a frequent user of the French playroom, I can totally disagree at this point.
First, the programmer Aminiel having his first language French doesn't have anything with the problem.
Second, don't forget the massive amount of English players because of the fact of English being an international language. Because of this last point, I see that putting this game on the English playroom that early isn't a good point, with many people, most of which not having a good or at least understandable English and therefore putting the double amount of effort and time on it. At the momment, the French Quiz Partie does have about 4700 questions since I last checked out, it hasn't been released as an official game yet, so please wait for the admins to take the good behaviour for this, and I'm sure they'll do.
A final point, there are a lot, and I mean a lot, of English ready databases of questions, so the admins can profit instead of may be 100 people writing the same question again and again, to delete 99 and to keep only 1 is a hard thing.
This is only my opinion, so please take it and think of it: there isn't, and there won't be any racism here against any language.
Have a good day!

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4. NovaLenada ,

I want that game, really, and the reason because I wrote it, is because when I asked about this game, one of the helpers or administrators said. maybe. so nothing is for sure. they can do it for french, yes, but that game can be also available in spanish, or english, or the other languages, and when the french people is proposing questions , we can propose also, but in our own language, that last about other game different, no no, was just joke, but we as users of playroom would like this game... or a game about trivia or something like that

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5. MuhammadHajjar,

Agree, but they'er really working on them to be available on the other servers.

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6. Aminiel,


Technically, everything is ready to open it also in other languages. I'm absolutely not against it.

Owever, to be able to release such a game, we need to mount a solid team of validators and correctors, who review questions submitted by players.

Given that up to now we are even incapable to make a team of helpers, it's not for tomorrow that a good workig team for the quiz will exist in english. WE must first form a solid helper team, and then, maybe, after a while, a validator team. The spanish team already exist, but is also probably too fragile to take this huge work (they are only 2 people)

I much more see an italien version first, simply because the italian team is already well formed, and they are 4.

Taking a big database of existing questions and don't review them before using is a bad idea. In fact, we did it already once in the past. IN 2012, a small quiz existed for a few days in the french playroom, but we rapidely closed it because most of the questions were poorly written, had wrong answers, didn't make sense at all, or were just stupid. This time, we really want that the quality be there, taht's why we are working hard. That's also because it's not so easily transposable to other languages and require a solid team.

Another important reason why it's only planed to be in french at present, is that it's first an experiment before anything else. An experiment to try something different than what we have had up to now on the playroom. We are unsure that the game will be still appreciated long term, and that we will have a sufficient number of questions to keep the game enjoyable more than a few days or weeks. By the way, the game isn't yet officially open to everyone.

I hope you will understand, that's really not about racism, favorizing the frenchies or whatever of that sort, believe me. You should understand it.

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Last edited by Aminiel, Apr 17 2015 07:36:26

7. NovaLenada ,

oh! I understand perfectly! and, if you want, I think I can help with this... atleast in spanish playroom I can without problems, and in english, maybe I can also, but with some problems, will be great if we try it and we can do also the game grow more and more, and will be enjoyable the simple action of propose questions! :D greetings!

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8. dalimidvecimidvenedali,

Super... If you need, i feel free to help with english version of this game...

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9. LaraStardust,

Don't we already have a trivia game with the little exam though?

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10. NovaLenada ,

No, that isn't trivia, that is just search words, not question, you just have a letter, and you should search one word with such letter...

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11. LaraStardust,

to answer a question...

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12. NovaLenada ,

no, search words is different i think, cause those haven't question mark
and is... totally different...
okay! then lets think we already have that trivia game, and we want another one :D

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13. LaraStardust,

fair enough i guess
just means a lot of work for the admins and operators

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14. dalimidvecimidvenedali,

Maybe the little exam is trivia, but this one is another kind... So you are right both...

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15. NovaLenada ,

maybe maybe... :D but anyways, will be great if we get also quiz party

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16. dalimidvecimidvenedali,

Yes, one trivia good, but two are better... :D

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17. NovaLenada ,

Exactly! and those two are differents, so much better. :D

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18. gaurasuryavanshi,

I've seen that game to and can't be played with bots. please admins, translate it to the other servers pleaseeeeee please please please please I want to play it! and not only me! pleaseeee... and well, can I help with something. maybe about the questions, sorry but I've got ccrazy when I've read about this game. thanks, anaid, for submiting this topic. I know that's not an easy job, just is needed a time. we, the users, will be waiting for quiz party. but I think the little exam and quiz party are different games, cause quiz party is a trivia, and the little exam is not. the little exam is about finishing some words, or writing a things. sooo. we're waiting, I know this is not a easy job. so... I don't know what other to say. just about the questions, maybe hear, there are people who can help with them, I also can... tell me what is needed, sorry if I'm annoying,, but I'm really excited about this game, cause that's not bad to have a trivia game on hear. I know, this game will need a time to become better aand better, but I know we can have a success, if the users, the helpers, the admins and if we all are working together.

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Last edited by gaurasuryavanshi, Apr 18 2015 22:04:14

19. YNWA,

I think having a multiple choice quiz will be excellent for the playroom but as you say Aminael it will have it's challenges so will take time to have it fully functional for users. We already know that English is a second, third or even fourth language for some people so I propose that you have a level of difficulty like there is in the little exam where there is three levels of difficulty. Most play level1 and some 2 but I guess level 3 is rarely used. this of course will mean it will take longer to produce the game in the English part of the playroom. Even between English and American users there will be a greater difference for this game compared to other games where there is no difference at all or very little. Below is an example of a question that will be easy for English users compared to American users.

Who is Phil Mitchell's Brother in the British Television Soap EastEnders?

A. Billy Mitchell

B. Grant Mitchell

C. Jamie Mitchell

D. Ronnie Mitchell

People in the UK wil think that is an easy question and will choose b. Grant Mitchell played by the actor Ross Kemp! Some Americans may know this question as may people from other countries but generally speaking I would guess not. I am sure that there will be American questions that Americans will find easy that I will not no in a month of Sundays and the same with questions that are about other countries set by other users. This will make things more interesting and challenging to play and I for sure would learn a lot from it. We just have to make sure that it will cater for as many people as possible.

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Last edited by YNWA, Apr 21 2015 12:05:19

20. Aminiel,

Judging the difficulty levels of a multiple choise quiz isn't honnestly possible. You have just proved that difficulty level is extremely subjective and that there are questions which are probably very easy for some people and certainly very hard for some others.

This problem is even more present in english because the whole world speak english, and cultures from here and there are so widely different, that it's really difficult. At the same time if we reduce the scope of the quiz exclusively to UK and US culture, the people coming from these places will be happy but a lot of people won't play because they won't feel comfortable and think that they have a chance to win against britishes and americans. So it isn't fair whether.

Even in french, it isn't so easy between france/Belgium/Switzerland vs Quebec vs North AFrica.

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21. wolfi,

yeah yeah yeah I love trivia as you know I'm the trivia master.

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