A simple feature with languages

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Score: +1

1. Urh2006,

Hello. Would it be possible to add a feature so even after restarting your playroom the language that you have chosen would still be saved? I'm asking this because I am for example playing in Serbian language, and then when I restart my client it goes back to English and I have to switch again.

Score: +2

2. Aminiel,


This is normally the case for other languages. Your problem is Serbian specific and will only be solved when a new client including Serbian will be available. I will have to wait some time before you can have a client update, sorry.

Score: +3

3. Urh2006,

Ok no problem. Still good to know. because there are some other bugs so I guess they're related to this. Sometimes I leave the playroom while being in Serbian language and when I re-open it some stuff is in Serbian but some in English and I can't change the language to Serbian if I don't restart, pretty strange.

Score: +0

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