Customize the reconnect notification in the main room:

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1. kaiba,

I suggest adding the possibility of customizing a Reconnecting notification in the main room in particular, since the main room has at least 50 people on a permanent basis, and since there are many people constantly. I suggest the ability to customize Reconnecting notifications, etc., for each person. We can specify, for example, in the privacy settings to receive notifications. Reconnecting from friends, friends of friends, or all people, as with other privacy settings, to avoid inconvenience. Some people may not need to know who just reconnected.

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2. Sajad-Aliraqi,

This suggestion seems to be useless to me anyways. Not all messages on this platform should be dismissed. It is just a notification which informs you of someone who just reconnected due to their internet issues or anything that is network related. It doesn't happen 100 times per minute. If this has to really be implemented then the setting must turn off all upcoming notifications about reconnections rather than specific friends or people

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3. majoz,

IMO it would be very usefull to have a sound notifying you about a connection loss / reconnection, and then this setting would become actually usefull. Many times I find myself skipping the connection los / reconnection messages, and then later on find out that the person I was talking to wasn't present.

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4. kaiba,

IMO it would be very usefull to have a sound notifying you about a connection loss / reconnection, and then this setting would actually become usefull. I agree with you, if audio was added it might be easier

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5. Quintin-D,

It does actually happen 100 times per minute when there are web users in the mainroom disconnecting and reconnecting all the time and it fills up the history.

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6. Mohammedradwan2003,


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7. Emerald,

Ramdom question but why do people stay in the main room anyways? Surely its much easier to make a private table instead to over come this issue if you don’t want to know about disconnection and reconnection.

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8. dhegwork-adakly,

This happens more when the server is restarted. I do NOT think it is necessary to make a configuration for this. In addition, when you are at the table or at the same entrance, a friend can disconnect or reconnect and if you don't hear the message you won't realize that he or she has left. You could be sending him messages thinking he is reading or talking to him about something he didn't read because he disconnected.

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9. Nikola,

if it was up to me, I would not create this setting, but I would actually completely disable reconnection/disconnection notifications, but only in the main room. As it is well said here, in English there can be over 50 people here, and reconnections are quite frequent. On the other hand there's no chat in the English main room, so it isn't all that useful in practice to hear such notifications. Sure, you might be privately talking to someone who is in the main room at the moment, but that's more of a lucky case...

If we do that, we can restore the reconnection/disconnection messages to the table messages channel, and thus have them back in the discussion view, I'll talk about the history of that a little later down below, but basically the only reason I have the global messages channel enabled to speak at the moment is to hear if somebody disconnected.

As for the setting to be notified about friends only, I don't think this is so useful. It can be very useful to know, OK, my friend/favourite created a table, I may join them. However, for reconnections/disconnections, I don't really care if I am playing a game or talking with my friend or some random person, it is still useful to know they went away, so I think this should always remain global.

About the views and channels: In 2021, it was suggested to have reconnection messages under the discussion channel.
It doesn't say this anywhere here, but this was actually accepted and implemented, and these messages went to table messages instead of global. However, after the April 2022 update, there were many connection issues and people started to complain about constantly hearing that someone reconnected while in the main room (since table messages really shouldn't ever be disabled), so this was reverted back to global messages. I think these complaints are legitimate, hence why I said, my preferred solution is to kill these notifications in the main room, not to move the messages back to global messages.

That being said, I am not sure if it's worth it. Sometimes the disconnection notifications are very reliable, but very often they are completely inaccurate and you really shouldn't rely on them. My experience suggests you always get the notification if someone reconnects, but not so often if a disconnection actually occurs. Most often you get the disconnection notification only many minutes later, when they're about to be kicked from the Playroom due to being disconnected. Probably the best idea is to repeat your message if you find it ignored/missed, even though that's of course not the ideal solution.
I'm not sure if it's possible to do something here and try to detect if someone's client is no longer responding and output the disconnection message faster, but it would actually be quite useful.

Score: +1

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