Slovakian Monopoly board

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1. Giovani ,

I've a suggestion on Slovak monopoly board.
This board looks, like this:

  1. Start
  2. Bratislava (Pink)
  3. Community chest
  4. Košice (Pink)
  5. Income tax
  6. Letisko Bratislava (Station)
  7. Prešov (Azur)
  8. Chance
  9. Levoča (Azur)
  10. Kežmarok (Azur)
  11. Jail, simple visit
  12. Trnava (Purple)
  13. Elektráreň Jaslovské Bohunice (public service)
  14. Piešťany (Purple)
  15. Bánovce nad Bebravou (Purple)
  16. Letisko Košice (station)
  17. 17 Zvolen (orange)
  18. Community chest
  19. Banská Bystrica (Orange)
  20. Sliač (Orange)
  21. Free parking
  22. Trenčín (Red)
  23. Chance
  24. Púchov (Red)
  25. Trenčianské Teplice (Red)
  26. letisko Sliač (station)
  27. 27 Liptovský Mikuláš (Yellow)
  28. Liptovský hrádok (yellow)
  29. Elektráreň Mochovce (Public service)
  30. Ružomberok (Yellow)
  31. Zone without cars
  32. Žilina (green)
  33. Rajec (Green)
  34. Community chest
  35. Dolný Kubín (Green)
  36. Letisko Poprad (station)
  37. Chance
  38. Prievidza (blue)
  39. Luxury tax
  40. Bojnice (blue)

Thank You!

Score: +0

2. out_and_about ,

In fact, you have 39 and not 38. number 17 is repeated in two diferent places.

Score: +0

Last edited by out_and_about , Dec 2 2015 18:07:48

3. Exink,

Let me say this, but I would suggest you to send this information to the contact page in order to maintain a clean forum and private. Also you forgot to tell some details about the board, such as the currency used.

Score: +0

Last edited by Exink, Dec 3 2015 02:50:52

4. dalimidvecimidvenedali,

Wow great, but you have little bit mess in the numbers but i believe, it will be fixed... :D I also thought about the czech board...

Score: +0

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