
6 messages, 1 pages:  1 ↖ Go back to topic list

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1. Demetry,


How I can translate the client into another language such as in German?


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2. dj00,

Hy all! I am also interested in the

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3. ultamentkiller,

Some things need to be fixed in the english translation. For example, accidented should be crashed. However, all the things are minor and it's still understandable.

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4. Demetry,

Yes, that's true.

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5. techluver,

I sent him a set of translation files with english strings fixed already. To translate you need to get the translation files, then you translate them as so:

minplayers=You can't play alone.
to minplayers=Man kann nicht solo spielen
maxplayers=There can't be more than 6 players.
Maxplayers=Man kann nicht mer alz 6 spielere haben
(sorry if my german's off, I'm just using it as an example.)

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6. Giovani ,

I would like to Translate this client to Slovak, but I don't know, how I must made. Thank You.

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