Bugs in 1000 miles?

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1. fredrik013,


I have discovered some buggs in 1000 miles.

One is the dirty trick that I can't get to work. If for example I am out of gas and directly play the gas tank I don't get 300 points. I have drawn a card before I plaid the gas tank. But I have this card in my hand when I am out of gas. The computer that I play with get the dirty trick to work.

An other bug is when I drive 1000 miles before the other player (computer) plays any mile card. I don't get the 500 points in bonus.

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2. Aminiel,

You didn't do it well. When you draw a card, you lose the right to do a dirty trick. If you want to make a dirty trick, you must play directly and quick enough, without drawing a card before.

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3. fredrik013,

Ok, it works. But the other, I don't get bonus for drive 1000 miles before the computer plays any mile card.

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