some codes for Chatbox

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1. alshmasi,


I have discovered by chance some codes that can be written in the Chat box to enable certain features in the game, such as: /ignore username.
Are there other code can be used?

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2. ugljesa ,

There is also a code for sending private messages to other Playroom users. To do that, just type in the chat box:
@username your private message

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3. Burak,

We know that, they are not secret. Aminiel already toled us in a news post. I don't want to sound harsh, but just let you know they are not secret.

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4. Aminiel,

None of these commands are secret. I'm just thired of repeating them hundreds of time and I have better things to do, so please do make a search, or learn how to do a web search if you don't know, I think you will find them quite easily.

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