Questions and opinions about Citadels

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1. Aminiel,


Citadels is quite a complex game. So I created this topic to answer to your questions.

Citadels is also a completely new kind of game, compared to what you could have found until now on the playroom. If you have comments on this, if you like or dislike that sort of innovation, you may also post your opinion here.

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2. YNWA,

I love it, there is a possibility to add more cards and extra pieces but that is for another day. I think having something different is only a good thing for the PR because people have more choice with what to play. That is the biggest reason why this is the number 1 platform for many of us.

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3. Nikola,

It's definitely a great game once you got the hang of it.

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4. Vojvoda ,

Great game so far, but something makes it look, hmm, strange. I think we really need new client because of sounds. Good sounds for this game would make the experience much much better. Coins, check sounds it all got somehow boring, at least for me.
Having sounds for quarters, for example church bell, pieces, that is something we need if you ask me.

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5. YNWA,

Yes would be interesting but lets get things sorted first.

What do you wish to to should be do
so reads What do you whish to do?
I believe it should be

Religious Quarters

And as I said in other post Warlord.

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6. Vojvoda ,

Choose the player, wich you want to see the built quarters of:

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7. Exink,

I have a kind of rude question, why the killer is not included here? Would it be too offensive or because you don't want to encourage violence?

Another question, is it normal to have two cards of the same buildings, for example two churches, etc?

Another question: why there are from two to four characters to choose from during our turns?

Sorry if I sound annoying but those are some of the things which I don't know about this great game.

Kind regards and thanks for everything!

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8. Nikola,

The character is called murderer, and if I am right, it does not exist in a 3 players game. Also, each turn 2 characters are randomly discarded. Then, it depends who will get to choose a character first. The one with the crown goes first, which if you chose the king in a previous round it will be you. In that case you will have the possibility to choose anything not discarded, and discarded characters are announced at the beginning of a turn.

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Last edited by Nikola, Oct 13 2018 11:46:38

9. Lemonade,

I have yet to really play around with it, but I really like how the platform stepped out of its comfort zone with this type of game. I definitely wouldn't mind more of these kinds of games in the future.

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10. Aminiel,

If I could make a general recommandation: the more players there are, the more Citadels is interesting.
So when you play, try to be at least 4; 5 or 6 is even better. With 3 players the game isn't very dynamic.

I have a kind of rude question, why the killer is not included here? Would it be too offensive or because you don't want to encourage violence?

I have called it the murderer. I can change it for killer it you confirm that it's the official name.

And I confirm what Nikola has said, it is absent when playing with 3 players only.

Another question, is it normal to have two cards of the same buildings, for example two churches, etc?

Normally, you aren't allowed to build twice the same quarter. But of course, in the whole deck, there usually are several copies of the same one.
In general prestige cards are unique, while cards of the 4 regular types are present 2, 3, 4 or 5 times.

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11. Sweet-Mila ,

Just to point at some spelling error, it says "what do you wish to to", when it should be "what do you wish to do".

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12. Myszojelen,

Has anyone figured out what the Shift+D keystroke is supposed to do? For now it just says "You can't use this power". There's nothing in the Help about it.

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13. sukil,

I have. You have to use it with a prestige card, and it allows you to get one card each turn.

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14. Lemonade,

Hmm, so today I got like 3 commercial ones and only one nobility, religion and military, and no prestige. I'm a little confused as to how this is possible because I thought you could only have one of each, until you built them all. I couldn't build the fourth one. I believe they were all different ones, too.

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15. Nikola,

Hi. You can have one of each building, but not type. For example, you can have only one prison, but not only one military building. However, if you have one of each tipe you get bonus points.

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16. Exink,

@Aminiel No, I just figured its meaning since I'm playing the spanish version, so I cannot say this is the official name or not.

And yes, the game from four players gets more interesting...

Thanks for your replies!

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17. YNWA,

Murderer or killer are the same so no issue with that

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18. Lemonade,

How exactly does the miracle court work? Apparently it gives you the chance to change it into another quarter at the end of the game, but I never got that chance. Does it just turn into the last type of quarter you're missing if you have 4 and the game ends?

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19. HeadphoneJack,

You press shift+D I think.

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20. YNWA,

I have cleared up the rules:

Citadels is a modern game. At the lead of medieval cities, each player has to build the most beautiful quarters possible. The game ends when a player has managed to build a fixed number of quarters, generally 8.
To be successful, strategy, ruse and bluff have to be used in order to become rich and thwart the enemy's plans. One thing that makes the game original amongst others is its turn system.


Cards of the game are called quarters. Each quarter represents a building, which a player can construct in his city. There exist 5 types of them:


The first four yield money when you play with the adequate character. Quarters of the prestige type don't make you earn any money but often give additional points or special powers that you can use during your turn. IF there is a power, it is in principle usable once per turn, as long as the quarter stays built; if the quarter is destroyed, the brought power is lost at the same time.

Build a quarter in your city costs between 1 and 6 gold coins. You can only build one quarter per turn (except with the architect).
You can read the cost and the power (if there is one) of a given card by pressing the D key when it is selected in the menus of the game.

Game turns

At each turn, each player chooses to play one of the available characters. Each character gives a specific power, which the player will be able to use when his turn comes.
Some of the characters are ideal to become rich and build quickly; some others are perfect to make up a new hand; and still some others are the best to prevent your opponents from progressing towards a victory.

A complete turn of the game is played in two phases:

First, each player chooses which character he's going to play this turn. Then, each player plays their chosen character; the characters are always played in a fixed predefined order.

The player who owns the crown, initially a player designated at random, begins.
He discards a certain number of concealed characters at random, then draws and shows one of the characters to everybody; this later one won't be played this turn.
He takes the character cards that haven't been discarded in his hand, chooses one of them, keeps the corresponding card, then passes the remaining characters to the next player.
The last player has always a choice between two options, so that no one can exactly know with certainty who took which character.

The original characters of the 1st edition of the game, in the order in which they are played, are the following:

The murderer: at his turn, he can choose to kill another character, who will have his turn completely skipped.

The thief: he can steal another character; he will have to give him all his gold when his turn arrives.

The wizard: he can exchange his cards with those of another player or with the draw pile.

The king: at the beginning of his turn, he takes the crown, so becomes the first player to choose his character at the next turn. Each of his noble quarter built yields gold.

The bishop: the warlord can't attack him; each religious quarter of his city gives him gold.

The merchant: he automatically earns one gold, as well as each of his commercial quarters.

The architect: he draws two additional cards and can build up to 3 quarters at his turn.

The warlord: He can destroy a quarter in the cities of his opponents; each military quarter yields money.

The different characters play in the above order. When it's the turn of your character:

You start your turn by taking either one card or two gold. IF you decide to draw a card, you can in fact choose between the two first at the top of the draw pile, the one you don't pick is discarded.
You can then use the power of your character, the one of a prestige card previously built, or build a new quarter; none, one or several of these actions, in any order, depending on your possibilities and will.
It is very important to not reveal to other players which character you have chosen before it is actually played. By choosing always the same character, you have chances to become rich and win faster (with the character corresponding to the quarters you have built), but it will be much easier for the others to prevent you from playing (by killing or stealing you).

One of the key factors in winning, beside trying to guess what your opponents are going to do and break their strategy, is effectively to play as unpredictably as possible.

You can get a quick reminder of the characters and their respective powers by pressing the D key when one of them is selected in the menus.

Victory and end of the game
The game ends when a player has reached the number of built quarters fixed at the beginning of the game, in principle 8; 6 or 7 for quicker games, up to 12 or even 14 for longer games or with less players.
The round currently in progress is run to its end and points are then counted. The warlord can't destroy a building in a completed city and thus can't postpone the end of the game.

Each built quarter is worth as many points as the number of gold coins needed to construct it. Some of the prestige quarters give extra points.

The first player to reach the victory obtains a bonus, as well as the one who has built at least one building of each of the 5 types.
The winner is the player with the greatest number of points and thus the one who built the richest quarters, not necessarily the one who built the greatest number of quarters.

Keyboard shortcuts summary
D: read the description of a quarter or a character when it is selected in the menus
C: look at the cards you have in hand
V: look at the quarters you have built
Shift+V: see the quarters built by other players
S: read your score and your current statistics
Shift+S: read scores and statistics of other players
E: get other game information (discarded characters, number of cards in the draw pile, etc.)
T: know whose turn it is
Go to top ↑

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21. Aminiel,

How exactly does the miracle court work? Apparently it gives you the chance to change it into another quarter at the end of the game, but I never got that
chance. Does it just turn into the last type of quarter you're missing if you have 4 and the game ends?

At the end of the game, if you have only 4 of the 5 types, the miracle court makes the 3 bonus points for having one building of each type to be counted anyway. It's automatic, you don't need to explicitly change the building to the missing type.

@YNWA: Could you just send me the changes that I should do ? It will be easier, I can't copy/paste your text as such. Thank you.

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22. Vojvoda ,

I am not sure when that happened but it was my turn and I wasn't able to use shift v to check what I have built

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23. Giovani ,

Please, could You add cancel button in draw card dialogue in this game?

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24. Fawaz,

Enjoying this game, just a small touch,
if it will say the quarters this game set to when pressing s as in other games to know the victory score will be great,
currently you have to press shift+s.
thank you!

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25. Lemonade,

A cancel button in the draw dialog would essentially be cheating, since you get to see the top 2 cards and can then just cancel it if you don't like the cards on top of the deck.

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26. musiclover,

can some one teach me this game

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27. Aminiel,

Please, could You add cancel button in draw card dialogue in this game?

No. If you transpose this cancel button to the real world, it would mean that you draw the two cards, look at them, and finally put them back on the top of the deck. It's cheat.
Once you have chosen to draw a card, you must take one of those proposed.

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28. Giovani ,

Thank You Aminiel, now I understand, why is It. I have thought, but I have thought also, that It is bug, or something.
So, My first prediction was good.

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29. YNWA,

I Have not changed all as I am sure you don't want to spend a long time on it as you have a lot to do but I have picked up the major things that can be corrected.

possibles (possible)

ammong (amongst)

He discards a certain number of conciled characters I think you mean (concealed) I guess you mean they are hidden from other players You use the same words in the game so it needs to be changed there as well as in the rules. it should now read:
(He discards a certain number of concealed characters)

then pass the remaining character pass should read passes

so that no one can exactly know with certainty who tooks which character. now should read (so that no one will know who has taken which character).

The bishop: the warlor can't attack him; each reiligious quarter of his city gives him gold. it should read (The bishop: the warlord can't attack him; each religious quarter of his city gives him gold.)

The merchant: he automatically earn one gold, as well as each of his commercial quarters (The merchant: he automatically earns one gold, as well as each of his commercial quarters).

The warlor: He can destroy a quarter in the cities of his opponents; each military quarters yields money. change the word to (Warlord)

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30. Vojvoda ,

Could you add the shortcut when you are warlord to check how much coins you need to destroy a quarter?

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