other games?

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1. fatih ,

could you make other games for the playroom? such as a racing game. thanks.
Fatih Yüksek

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2. Aminiel,

IF you think about racing games like topspeed, no, you can immediately forget.

The playroom is technically not prepared for that sort of games, and doing that whould need huge modifications.

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3. ultamentkiller,

Checkers would be a cool game to add.

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4. milorad,

Hi, what do you think about some football (socker) manager game? That wil be cool... smile

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5. Aminiel,

You can also forget sport management games. It might be possible, but I'm not interested in / I don't like that at all, so it would be very hard to make such a game without knowing the real mechanics. So forget football, basketball, ice hockey, tennis, F1 and all other sports.

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6. Burak,

This is not a place for big racing games like top speed or a football game. I think we could suggest only chess, monopoly or some kind of games.

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7. Athlon,

Look at the pole. I think checkers should be added as well. I have always wanted to get into checkers, but never knew how.

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8. bmisch,

blackjack would work great on here too.

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9. Aminiel,

in spite of its good score in the poll, black jack is not in the to do list at the moment and wont be in short term, for at least two reasons :

  1. I'm not completely fixed myself with the rules
  2. You already have black jack on RS. I will again be accused to steal/copy their work

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10. bmisch,

i didn't know you were accused of stealing there work.

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11. fatih ,

but rs games blackjack is running very slow sometimes.

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12. SDJNick,

hi all.

What you think about adding blackjack, yahtzee, backgammon or something other like that?

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13. Aminiel,

What you think about adding blackjack, yahtzee, backgammon or something other like that?

They are all in the poll. Go vote if you wish them.

Ah, for info: I added checkers in the poll as well, but I need a precision: do you prefer 8x8 or 10x10 checkers?

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14. bmisch,

i'm sure newer games will be added soon and speaking of new things, i got the newest update a few minutes ago any new game changes in there?

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15. Aminiel,

NO, the latest update is just a bugfix one.

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16. bmisch,

o ok.

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17. staindaddict,

Please don't waste your time with Blackjack. We have so many other variations of it, why do we need another one? I mean, if you really want to add it go ahead, but it has been with my experience that people request it, and then they don't play it. Same thing happened on RS.

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18. Aminiel,

In fact, I have another argument to not add blackjack . I don't want much to add it...

When you connect to the server, the basic idea is to play with other people. OK there are bots too, but they essentially exists in case there is nobody to play, or if there are inssuficient number of players (i.e. you want to play 1000 miles in teams, but you are only 3). It's actually very useful.

IN blackjack, it's in my opinion a bit different: you can always play alone, you actually don't need any other player to play with, even a bot. There isn't any interaction between players, each player play alone in a certain sens. Same thing for yatzee and shut the boxes ammong others. I don't consider the blackjack's bank as being a bot player.

The only challenge is to beat the highscore. An online server like the playroom is really not necessary for that.

I gave the same sort of answer to somebody who proposed to add solitaire. Well, it's completely stupid to connect to a server if you want to play alone (+ the fact that I know at least 3 or 4 completely different solitaires versions playables with a 52 cards deck)

For your information, I already decided. Next game after chess will be dominos. I know, that's more a french community request than an english one, sorry for you.

Dominos appear to be quite often played in africa, even with adults, , opposited to europe where dominos is only a child game. They show me, chance is not the only way to win, there are also strategies to play.

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Last edited by Aminiel, May 5 2011 09:49:00

19. bmisch,

that sounds cool since there is no game like thaat for us online at least.

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20. Athlon,

Yes, I never really understood all the rules of dominoes. One game I reallly like is spades, which is a trick taking game, kind of like jass. If you want, I can write up the rules or something and send them to you or on this forum. It is playable by 3, 4, 5, or 6 players, which makes it pretty nice for the play room.

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21. Pantalaimon,

What about Kalaha? Don't know if it's the right name, it's the name of the game in danish. You know it - the board with 14 holes, 12 small ones and 2 in the ends which are about the sice of 2 of the small holes. WTF... I've never descriped a game so bad before... Lol... Well, I think you know it...

Or what about a "Stones" game? Would be nice... :D

Best regards


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