Suggestion with the pages in the topics

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1. Arya_Stark,

Hello, ¡People!
This is originally an idea from aan user of the spanish comunity, @paulo_londra, and his suggestion was very well receibed, I think that's a great idea too, so I decided to post it on the english forum.
It consists in creating an option to search a specific page at the different categoris of the forum and of heach topic on it.
For example. If this topic has 10 pages, there could be a button which says something like, choose page... And if we press it, it could say something like, choose page. Between 1 to 10, and let us to write the number insted of having to click next page or previous page until we reach the page we want to.
Same for categories like recent topics, for example.
I don't know if I made myself to understand well, if you didn't get something tell me here and I'll be repling.
Well that's everything, waiting for answers.

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2. mejunjosio ,

I confirm

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3. Mohammedradwan2003,

a search feature will be cooler.

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4. Arya_Stark,

Exactly. That was what I meant. Adding a search feature which could let us to write the number of a specific page on a topic or on a forum category, so we could search any page easyly

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5. Mohammedradwan2003,

i ment searching for topics by name

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6. Arya_Stark,

well... That wouldn't be bad too. But it seems there aren't any answers of the admins or helpers or something..

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7. lucy_light,

Yes, actually, things would be much easier if we had more searchable content. Anyway, about topics not being checked and answered to, well, we need to assume the fact that the team is not so big, they are working hard anyway to surprise us in the best ways possible. Trust me when I say, I've been on this platform since I was a kid, just 2 years after it was launched or so and I could see all the work, including the majority of the games being tested, added and improved. So far, Playroom is the best gaming and socializing network we have. Let's keep it up with the good work and valuable suggestions!

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