Suggestions and comments

1427 topics, 29 pages:  1 6 78 9 10 29 ← Go back to forum list

Subject Author Nb. answ. Latest message

quiz party help

SheWolf 7 YNWA,

quiz party

Aurorapolariss 0 Aurorapolariss,

suggestion for uno bots

Rory101 3 jackson95,

New features in Playroom 3.0

supanut2000 56 Rory101,

Invite a bot

ogoniciel 6 Mohammedddd,

A question about the views on the web client

Nikola 0 Nikola,

about leaving permanent message discussions

Nikola 2 Nikola,

Ability to change username

BriExists 2 BriExists,

Duck Racing Suggestions

RedHotCharliePepper 1 Nikola,

Suggestion to add time checker

anonymous 11 aidenn,

Connect 4 move history

spaceship 3 spaceship,

Suggestion about the next update

aidenn 7 aidenn,

saving the table in the duck race. (solved)

facelessghost 1 ashishchhetri,

A question about new Monopoly boards

Nikola 4 Nikola,

Teams in Ducks race

ogoniciel 2 YNWA,

Loving the New Forum Timestamp Syntax

The_Frisbee_of_Peace 3 Aminiel,

Suggesting a new game: snakes and ladders!

MuhammadHajjar 5 Nikola,

suggestion, favorite users.

Rayo.bgtr 5 Nikola,

Suggestion of game Mensch ärgere Dich nicht

Emrah20 11 YNWA,

suggestion for QUIZ PARTY.

Rayo.bgtr 3 YNWA,

suggestion:option to choose our favourit bots

Thaqib 3 Thaqib ,

Suggestion for a feature called night mode

JoshYork 3 JMouse,

Weird game in the vep version of the game client.

facelessghost 5 YNWA,

Suggestion to enable sending files

anonymous 10 pia_gc ,



Game suggestion: Dou Shou Qi / jungle / animal chess (rules included)

Corona 2 facelessghost,

Suggestion: a new option in duck racing

Lieta 8 Lieta,

PLZ Fix the Reversi bots

AlirezaDarkk 0 AlirezaDarkk,

adding a feature to trun off reporting who entered and who left the playroom

fatih 2 fatih,

Sugestion. Adding team chat.

bogdanionut 4 Nikola,

Banning for updating to beta version out of date

Emrah20 9 Marina,

Suggestion: Displaying sudden disconnections under the discussions channel

James_Ketchup 2 Nikola,

suggestion: more characters allowed in playroom's status.

Rayo.bgtr 21 Naday,

Creating a tutorial video for the playroom

anonymous 8 Aminiel,

Suggestion, adding another command to open the tables.

gfriha 6 lucy_light,

99 games

creamer 2 phoenix009,

suggested newgame

shane123 2 sodanisavit01 ,

does someone know something about fifa 21 accessibility for the blind people, i heard for option named naration but i can't find something more about it

aki_bg011 2 aki_bg011,

Audio Proposal Process

Sylphrena 1 Nikola,

0 by default in cribbage

tiny 3 YNWA,


FromUnknownReality 20 ernie96,

Portable version

FromUnknownReality 13 StormProductions,

Forum suggestion, viewing all posts of a specific user

Nikola 1 YNWA,

adding wite listed people in private free tables.

void-emperer 2 Qais,

The too late in the uno

Mohammedddd 1 Paddy_Irishman,

Adding participants to a private discussion.

Naday 3 Aminiel,

Problems with games freezing up

rpg45 1 Nikola,

Classification of Turn Messages

Sylphrena 1 Aminiel,

Draughts / checkers

SheWolf 8 SheWolf,

a game suggestion

whozitken 0 whozitken,

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