1. Nikola,
I'm quite happy that The little exam became pretty popular in Serbian, since it was for a long time one of my favorite social games.
Thanks to this, I was able to discover a few bugs I would like to report, and to give one suggestion. Some of them are related to the feature of stopping the round:
- A judge should not be able to press escape and dismiss the dialog of accepting/refusing the proposal. In the new mode where everybody is the judge for a different proposal, this created a new feature, but I assume this is accidental. If you are the judge, and press escape, and then f11, the option to accept or refuse a word passes to somebody else. This isn't so bad if you aren't really sure about something, so maybe this should really be a feature in this mode, but assigned to a different key and not accidentally triggered with escape. People press escape by accident sometimes and think that something crashed or don't even know that they are the judge, and thus in this mode completely lose the option to accept or refuse a word.
- Saving and restoring the table is completely broken in the little exam. If you save and restore in the middle of a round, the complete round is lost and we jump to the next one as if nothing happened.
- This one is related to adding and removing points. When somebody stops the round, you have to be very careful about the distribution of points. If you refuse their proposal by mistake, and then later on you agree that the proposal was correct, you have to add +8. +2 for the correct word, +3 to negate the minus and +3 as a bonus for stopping the round. If you have many players in a game, sometimes it's hard to keep up with possible mistakes, and especially there is one annoying problem. If the proposal you have just refused is the last one in the current round, you can't do anything until the next round is over, and at that point you may even forget about it.
- This is just a small display bug, but again in the new mode where everybody is the judge, at the start of every round, it says the judge is null. I think it should simply say nothing in this case.
Would it be possible to allow the judge to manually add and remove points in the pause between two rounds as well? This way, we could pause the game, fix the points if needed, and then continue.
Finally, a small sound suggestion:
Is it possible to add a sound when a proposal has been accepted or refused by the judge?
This is useful when you are, for example, chatting about some proposal that is currently being discussed, and you can make sure to miss nothing. When you hear the sound, you will know to check the history and see what happened.
Thanks for your work and for the new features in this game, they were an excellent addition.
Score: +2