Statistics: Rummy/Challenge mode

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General game statistics of Rummy/Challenge mode

Last reset: Apr 21 2014 05:48:04

Number of games played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
Deutsch 6 (2.36%) 248 (97.64%) 254 (2.12%)
English 445 (14.13%) 2 704 (85.87%) 3 149 (26.3%)
Español 69 (8.7%) 724 (91.3%) 793 (6.62%)
Français 65 (3.01%) 2 093 (96.99%) 2 158 (18.03%)
Italiano 221 (4.14%) 5 123 (95.86%) 5 344 (44.64%)
Português 11 (4.68%) 224 (95.32%) 235 (1.96%)
русский 6 (15.38%) 33 (84.62%) 39 (0.33%)
Srpski 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
Total 823 (6.87%) 11 149 (93.13%) 11 972
Number of rounds played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
Deutsch 147 (0.84%) 17 379 (99.16%) 17 526 (3.94%)
English 9 493 (9.63%) 89 127 (90.37%) 98 620 (22.18%)
Español 1 085 (2.49%) 42 544 (97.51%) 43 629 (9.81%)
Français 997 (1.45%) 67 918 (98.55%) 68 915 (15.5%)
Italiano 5 186 (2.56%) 197 643 (97.44%) 202 829 (45.61%)
Português 193 (1.7%) 11 149 (98.3%) 11 342 (2.55%)
русский 271 (14.69%) 1 574 (85.31%) 1 845 (0.41%)
Srpski 17 (58.62%) 12 (41.38%) 29 (0.01%)
Total 17 389 (3.91%) 427 346 (96.09%) 444 735

Statistics Any language Any bots

Number of rounds and games played
  Total Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly
~Games~11 9723.2822.9598.351 197
~Rounds~444 735121.8852.53 65344 479
~RoundsInFinishedGames~129 12035.36247.51 06112 914

Approximatively 29.03% of the games are played to their end, while 70.97% seem to be interrupted in the middle.

Duration of rounds :

Options usage

Most addicted players

This ranking lists the players who played the most rounds and games since the last reset.

  1. monnalisa: 41 245 rounds played
  2. giusy0304: 25 330 rounds played
  3. miroceric: 15 051 rounds played
  4. koko: 7 051 rounds played
  5. martaacebedo: 5 514 rounds played
  6. nougatine: 2 834 rounds played
  7. Katari: 2 626 rounds played
  8. anaivancevic: 2 551 rounds played
  9. nico74: 2 468 rounds played
  10. bryanelrey: 1 551 rounds played
  11. symplonium: 1 105 rounds played
  12. gabriel-fla: 1 087 rounds played
  13. ifera: 1 072 rounds played
  14. Stefano10: 1 038 rounds played
  15. Cris_cruz: 1 014 rounds played
  16. SummerSun704: 983 rounds played
  17. berivan: 924 rounds played
  18. Pandagirl20: 883 rounds played
  19. m.g.maria: 878 rounds played
  20. mary24: 804 rounds played
  21. mister_osbal: 695 rounds played
  22. diabolik: 663 rounds played
  23. sunil.j: 636 rounds played
  24. Rozana: 614 rounds played
  25. Fireball79: 566 rounds played
  26. mirsad: 547 rounds played
  27. alesia: 529 rounds played
  28. diegoelfamoso: 451 rounds played
  29. markus75: 428 rounds played
  30. nader44: 403 rounds played

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