Statistics: Dominos

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General game statistics of Dominos

Last reset: Feb 15 2014 14:29:07

Number of games played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
Deutsch 168 (12.47%) 1 179 (87.53%) 1 347 (0.07%)
English 656 452 (58.63%) 463 263 (41.37%) 1 119 715 (61.19%)
Español 96 963 (38.22%) 156 713 (61.78%) 253 676 (13.86%)
Français 41 919 (30.48%) 95 611 (69.52%) 137 530 (7.52%)
Italiano 4 143 (18.6%) 18 132 (81.4%) 22 275 (1.22%)
Português 110 697 (41.39%) 156 746 (58.61%) 267 443 (14.62%)
русский 6 810 (28.51%) 17 076 (71.49%) 23 886 (1.31%)
Srpski 1 613 (43.33%) 2 110 (56.67%) 3 723 (0.2%)
0 (0%) 10 (100%) 10 (0%)
Total 918 765 (50.22%) 910 840 (49.78%) 1 829 605
Number of rounds played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
Deutsch 1 931 (9.54%) 18 302 (90.46%) 20 233 (0.07%)
English 9 864 790 (57.42%) 7 316 168 (42.58%) 17 180 958 (62.33%)
Español 1 416 248 (36.29%) 2 486 526 (63.71%) 3 902 774 (14.16%)
Français 498 216 (26.23%) 1 401 232 (73.77%) 1 899 448 (6.89%)
Italiano 37 303 (13.71%) 234 843 (86.29%) 272 146 (0.99%)
Português 1 556 544 (40.13%) 2 322 014 (59.87%) 3 878 558 (14.07%)
русский 86 569 (23.81%) 277 036 (76.19%) 363 605 (1.32%)
Srpski 18 608 (43.5%) 24 167 (56.5%) 42 775 (0.16%)
0 (0%) 23 (100%) 23 (0%)
Total 13 480 209 (48.91%) 14 080 311 (51.09%) 27 560 520

Statistics Any language Any bots

Number of rounds and games played
  Total Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly
~Games~1 829 884492.43 44714 772179 842
~Rounds~27 564 1047 41751 919222 5102 709 009
~RoundsInFinishedGames~21 171 6265 69739 878170 9072 080 755

Approximatively 76.81% of the games are played to their end, while 23.19% seem to be interrupted in the middle.

Duration of rounds :

Options usage

Most addicted players

This ranking lists the players who played the most rounds and games since the last reset.

  1. gs1905: 172 055 rounds played
  2. sisligece: 162 960 rounds played
  3. kimson: 157 099 rounds played
  4. Pacheco: 155 851 rounds played
  5. monoroza: 153 534 rounds played
  6. nerkoc52: 140 540 rounds played
  7. sarilacivert: 137 416 rounds played
  8. mevsim: 136 927 rounds played
  9. kaya74: 134 446 rounds played
  10. mahmutaksu: 134 422 rounds played
  11. nuray: 134 091 rounds played
  12. mutluhepmutlu: 133 899 rounds played
  13. fanatik: 128 790 rounds played
  14. babacan: 128 054 rounds played
  15. mustafaakdogan42: 127 769 rounds played
  16. mustafauysal: 125 923 rounds played
  17. grihngo.15: 124 718 rounds played
  18. cimbomluadam: 122 978 rounds played
  19. mustan: 122 795 rounds played
  20. silviayotto: 120 780 rounds played
  21. mehmetsoymaz: 113 254 rounds played
  22. keciorenli: 112 629 rounds played
  23. huseyinerkaptan: 111 801 rounds played
  24. huseyinbertan: 111 205 rounds played
  25. delipoyraz: 107 004 rounds played
  26. murathan: 106 138 rounds played
  27. nenad.kocic: 105 295 rounds played
  28. nurtekin-sahin: 105 208 rounds played
  29. sivasliosman: 102 699 rounds played
  30. kursat19: 102 658 rounds played

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