There's no problem with the donation page. However, coming from my six years of experience working at a church, there are insentives to donate at churches. Religions use biblical scriptures to make people feel guilty if they neglect tithing, etc., to insure that they achieve donation goals. The only way the donation page can consistantly be successful is to create insentives to donate. These insentives would create more revenue for the client, I.E., business, thus, allowing Ameniel to create the new games that many of us covet.
While the donation page has probably been effective in starting the platform these past six years, donations aren't the best way to continue to grow this thing moving forward because they are optional. Anything optional does not maximize revenue and is not ideal for growth. A few possible deffinitions of growth could be as follows: eventually possessing the ability to hire programmers to create new games; accumulating the capital to change or include multiple demographics; and placing servers all over the world in order to improve connection speeds since there are so many users from so many different geographical areas.
In order to maximize growth, one has to start small, meaning that if it is donations that are required, that a mandatory monthly 99 cent donation could be implemented. Maybe there is a way to build in a paypal option to the client, and once the person's used his month of client time, he signs into the client, and the Paypal page pops up asking the individual to pay the 99 cent monthly donation. As time goes on, and new games are added, the mandatory monthly donation can be increased to $1.99; it can continue to be increased over time.
There have been people who suggested charging a fee for having the ability to play new games, and having the ability to use the friends list and/or free table feature. Those are reasonable options and should be considered.
...And charging a fee or creating a mandatory donation would weed out many of the trouble makers on the system. Most trouble makers aren't going to pay for the right to cause trouble. The odds would increase that the play room becomes a nicer more trouble and drama free environment.
In conclusion, many of us want new games, but what are we, as a community, willing to do about it? Are we willing to make the necessary sacrifices to enable Ameniel to continue to improve this service to our liking??? Or, are we going to just make suggestions and expect Ameniel to, like magic, make them appear. While there is no question that all of us have the right to make suggestions and do nothing else, it is money that creates the ability to make things happen. If we are unwilling, as a community, to be charged a mandatory fee, that's not Ameniel's fault; it is ours. If we point the finger at a person, there are always three fingers pointed right back at us.