Effectively, you don't have a way to reject the request.
In the original concept, I always assume that the table master first contact the other participants on his own before restoring the table.
This is quite a good suggestion.
However, it isn't as simple as it seems.
I haven't the possibility to add something like this quickly, I need to entirely rethink about the restore process, to make it asynchronous.
To explain it simpler, when the table master makes the request to restore the table, I need to do so that he and the other participants don't immediately join the table.
Currently, the only verification made is that all players are connected and available.
- The table master makes the request to restore the table
- All players must be connected, available, and have to accept the invitation
- If all players have accepted, then they all join the table at the same time
- If everybody successfully joined, then the game can continue where it had been left off
IF only one player fails or has refused to join, then nobody should move.
I'll note that somewhere, perhaps I'll implement it at some point, but given the size of the thing, don't expect it soon.