Hi, I had a few suggestions for new games to add for if people are looking to add new games. I think we should add the following: checkers, tic tac toe, cards against humanity, and apples to apples. Also, maybe go fish as well and crazy 8's which is kind of like uno for those who don't know the game.
Skor: +1
2. Nikola,
Hello, a lot of these proposals were discussed in the past, but let's first start with the positive:
Go Fish, I actually agree. Even though this game exists on RS Games, it's probably my favorite game from there and the only game that I come back to over time. It's a nice mix of strategy and, even more so, memorization.
Cards against humanity. It's an active proposal with some positive progress this year, for more information, you can check this topic. Apples to apples falls under this same category.
Checkers was mostly refused due to a relatively small popularity of board games, but as usual, on the Playroom, anything can appear as a surprise one day. You can also see a relatively recent Checkers suggestion here.
For Crazy eights, you have already explained it yourself, it's basically Uno, with different cards. One of the basic principles of the Playroom is to offer you new games, yes, but games with unique or different mechanics, not multiple versions of the same game.
That will basically address most of your ideas. Don't hesitate to propose anything new and unique you may come across, but it's even more helpful to make sure to provide a link to the game rules. Of course, in this case, these are popular and famous well known games, I'm only mentioning this for any future suggestions, when this may not be the case.
Skor: +2
3. glad,
I had one idea we can have 1 psudocu game 2. sports game if possible 3. choose your own adventure type of game. I agree with the go fish and apples to apples sujestion. Thank you.
Skor: -2
4. cristina ,
People keep asking to have on Pr new games as if it would be so easy to create them. and why should Aminiel bring games on pr that are already available on Rs games? You can anytime play on RS games if you like those games. This platform has already a lot of nice games, some of them are even created by him. And there are others in the testing phase.
Skor: -2
5. glad,
we can have though single player games like psudocu or something. sports would be difficult to build your are rite and adventure also.
Skor: -1
6. Hassanraza,
This platform have already some games, that are present on rsgames. We all know that making games requires time, but its only a suggestion. If if the dev thinks that this suggestion isnt suitable for pr, he will not consider. I wonder what is the point of adding card against humanity then, we can play it on rsgames
Skor: +1
7. YNWA,
I do agree with Nikola that Go fish is a good game. I used to play a card game called Happy families that worked the same way as go fish. Instead of collecting say all the 9s you collected a family.
As Aminiel has said people should not give info about what may or may not happen in the future with the PR.
Skor: -1
8. Aminiel,
Isn't "Go fish" basically just another name for "Le jeu des 7 familles" in French ? Or a game for children? IN any case, please post a link to the rules.
What do you mean by "Choose your adventure" ? Is that a particular card or board game with that name, or is it a whole category of games ? The name looks a little like adventure books where at each step , you can choose what your character is going to do next among two, three or four options, like the choiceofgames platform, or like a very good game called "Trigaya" that I played a while ago.
If you mean that kind of game, it's in fact much harder to do than any of the existing games, since you have to imagine a whole scenario, and even several if you want to create totally different and interesting endings. And then come translations ! That's just too huge. For the same reason, it's very unlikely that the playroom will have a RPG.
Skor: +2
9. blaise97,
hello, go fish is also a game that i like a lot, and bring some mechanic not present on the playroom at the moment, and this game is very simple to learn, but at the same time not a game that you dont need to think. this is a game that i see some peoples playing it in real life a long time ago, then i discovered it again recently. this is a game that i will like to see here to get more peoples to play it, especialy some peoples who dont speak English. anyway, here's his rulls. i know only the standard variant, i never see in my life all those other variants. https://www.pagat.com/quartet/gofish.html edit: just wanted to add to this, that one of the key point of the game is all about memory and strategy. you have to remember what you called to who and of course what peoples called to who, and at the same time playing in a good way to dont make your oponent knowing all your cards very fast and then know what to ask to make some books quickly. this is not that simple... last note, i played this game a lot. if you have any question, feel free to ask. thanks!
Skor: +0
Poslednja izmena od strane blaise97, 3 Oct 2023 04:39:16
10. hot-star,
your all those games is available on RS gaming flatform!
Skor: -2
11. blaise97,
hello, i just wanted to add something to my go fish post just posted befor, that one of the key point of the game is all about memory and strategy. you have to remember what you called to who and of course what peoples called to who, and at the same time playing in a good way to dont make your oponent knowing all your cards very fast and then know what to ask to make some books quickly. this is not that simple... i wanted to add this beacose i wrote that post a bit fast and then forgot to mention this. anyway, thanks for the playroom, and i op that this can be concidered at some point. thanks!
Skor: +1
12. glad,
choose your own adventure is like choice of games type of books where you have to make choices and based on that the story will progress.
Skor: +0
13. GeorgeWu,
It's okay to have some rs games in to play room in my opinion.
Skor: +0
14. Emrah20,
I think, that go fish game is good idea to have It here.
Skor: +0
15. kaido,
I don't know if anyone said this idea, but Ludo is the best game that can be suggested
Skor: +0
16. glad,
I agree but I guess not many people know about it. We can think of this one game which I saw on Blind Adrenalin card room on audiogames.net. euchre is another partners based trick taking game (also sometimes called solo). using a deck containing only 24 cards, partnerships make bids on which sute is trumps, and then attempt to score tricks or block the other players from doing so. One interesting point is that the value of the two jacks aka the left and right bower changes depending upon whether a red sute (ie hearts and diamonds), or black sute is trumps, thus creating more trump cards and making tactical play in taking tricks far more necessary. Luckily, all aspects of the game are explained very well in both the instructions and audio tutorials on the blind adrenalin site, and of course expect tournaments and customization as well.
Skor: -1
Poslednja izmena od strane glad, 26 Nov 2023 08:43:11