Suggestions and comments

1448 tema, 29 stranica:  1 2 34 5 6 29 ← Vrati se nazad na listu foruma

Predmet Autor br. odg. Poslednja poruka

Loginging to your game of choice.

Mohammedradwan2003 3 Nikola,

Turkish translation

goodbye_my_love 11 Muamal,

Changes to keyboard shortcuts for the web client on the mac

rockstar2013 1 Nikola,

preserve login for internal web view

kartaan 0 kartaan,

Detailed rules for golf

splyt 4 splyt,

Final score in 99

Quintin-D 2 blaise97,

What version of Farkle does playroom Uses?

GeorgeWu 2 GeorgeWu,

Tysiac for 2 and 4 players

Nikola 4 Aminiel,

Ability to add Comment to Game Table Name

wesleymartin 2 wesleymartin,

suggestion to allow bots in quiz party, the little exam, and scrabble, along with allowing bots in connect four, reverse, chess, and go beta on the web client. (u toku)

Elevatorguy 7 Elevatorguy,

Adding ranks and levels.

Musfikul_hasnat_shiam 1 Naday,

Jaws 2024 reading in french when in english for QP validator (rešeno)


game modes in quiz party

Thomas_White 10 Exink,

Finally, My new Slovak Monopoly board idea

Emrah20 0 Emrah20,

Improve card sorting in games like belote and tysiacha

HeadphoneJack 0 HeadphoneJack,

new games to add

Peggy_Bella420 15 glad,

some game suggestions

Ornella13 2 Emrah20,

Golf suggestion: continuing the game after someone hits 100 points (završeno)

Captain-Lousy 5 Nikola,

Fixing bot replacements

Nikola 4 thePleyroom,

Suggestion to Add new Options In cribbage for More Fun

supertrend 1 Mohammedradwan2003,

suggestion to add new games

Elevatorguy 1 blaise97,

why are some of the new games not showing? (rešeno)

Elevatorguy 1 Nikola,

How to play The eternal second? (u toku)

Emrah20 2 Emrah20,

Ask for a confirmation before blocking somebody

Nikola 1 Ryo-Bee,

Missing rules message

Vojvoda 0 Vojvoda,

Reason why the number of tables... does not reflect the number of tables?

Paddy_Irishman 6 gfriha,

Samoan Game: Suipi?

SomeoneLoveable 0 SomeoneLoveable,

game suggestion: casino

Dissonance531 1 Aminiel,

Mac Client?

Nice-2-meet-u 3 Wittiepenguin,

Forum RSS feeds

Nikola 5 blaise97,

Suggestion for private messages/ invite sounds

aims 8 choco,

Game suggestion: 1000 (završeno)

Nikola 5 Captain-Lousy,

Who can join this table option for public tables

Mortem 0 Mortem,

Small suggestion for duck racing, cosino board

Negar 0 Negar,

Duck Racing Number of Laps

jage 7 Aminiel,

adding Cards against Humanity for a new game

MaverickWilde 21 glad,

Why don't bots take place of leaving players?

kumandan 6 blaise97,

Duck racing: Checking which duels are enabled (završeno)

Nikola 2 Emerald,

Translating playroom

Burak 38 emre,

Help me process faster.

Frosty 3 blaise97,

Suggestion regarding free tables.

Naday 22 Mohammedradwan2003,


Khal 2 Khal,

Playroom V3 number inputting suggestions

Nikola 0 Nikola,

can we get the reply lock? (rešeno)

Frosty 17 Frosty,

Add a rule in Farkle

Borja 4 YNWA,

Tyny suggestion for the web

void-emperer 1 Nikola,

add sum new games

mk810 9 glad,

Don't delete the message when pressing control m on a player

alphaxploder 0 alphaxploder,

Purpose of always use secure connections setting

slannon 2 slannon,

Suggestion: Refuse an invitation (završeno)

Nikola 15 ibraheemmohsen,

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