Playroom and forum rules, please read before doing anything

4 Nachrichten, 1 Seiten:  1 ↖ Zurück zur Themenliste

~msgScore~: +17

1. Aminiel,

Hello everybody,
In order to have a good ambience in the playroom and in the forum, please conform to the following rules :

  • No spam or advertisements.
  • No pornography.
  • No politics or religion.
  • No computer piracy.
  • No incitement to violence, hatred or racism etc.
  • No insults or attacks against a person or a group of persons.
  • Please respect other people, especially moderators and administrators.
  • Be fair-play, and don't deliberately take advantage of bugs to cheat, or worse, to attack the functioning of the server and other clients.
  • Scripting and other means to modify client or game behavior in any form and for any purpose, are strictly forbidden.
  • Please speak in English with a reasonable spelling, so that everybody can understand what you say. Don't speak in SMS, 1337 or other pseudo-language.
  • In public places, one speaks the language corresponding to the part where one is located: one speaks French in French parts, and English in English parts, etc. Public free tables and forums are public places.
  • In private spaces, foreign languages are allowed if everybody speak the chosen language. Private messages and free tables that have explicitly set to be private are private places. It is forbidden to speak another language, whatever it is, in a free table not set to be private.
  • Multiple accounts are not allowed on the Playroom. In the case of two accounts sharing the same connection, (such as a family for example), please inform the playroom operators. Please note that verifications are implied, and that we reserve the right to delete and/or ban unjustified accounts without any warning to players who have abused multiple accounts.

Everyone is fully responsible of what he does in the playroom and the forum. In case of problems, punishments can go from simple temporarily or definitive ban to much more if necessary.
Administrators and moderators reserve the right to close or remove any forum topic or free table topic that they deem inappropriate without giving justifications.
Don't forget that there are also people under 18, please act accordingly and be careful when being with people you don't know. Finally, remember that internet shouldn't be a shield: don't do online what you would not do in real life and don't believe that you are completely anonymous.
Please additionally note that rules written in French have always priority against these here. Although these are almost copy-pasted and translated from French, IN case of doubt, always refer to the French version.

~msgScore~: +20

Zuletzt geändert von Marina, Apr 17 2011 17:11:16

2. Athlon,

but if we don't speak french, we don't know what those higher-up rules are.

~msgScore~: +3

3. Aminiel,

*but if we don't speak french, we don't know what those higher-up rules are.*

Don't worry, it's allmost a translated copy-paste. I added that to prevent from errors I may have made myself. That's in case of doubt.

~msgScore~: +2

4. fatih ,

thanks for the rules.

~msgScore~: +2

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