Recent topics

4004 topics, 81 pages:  1 17 1819 20 21 81 ← Go back to forum list

Subject Author Nb. answ. Latest message

Stockfish/Gnugo need to be downloaded every time

Nikola 0 Nikola,

Harry Potter/Percy Jackson game

TwinkleRose 2 SheWolf,

navigating the forum

TwinkleRose 1 Snake_Eyes,

Disable announcements of activity in other tables

Rich_Beardsley 4 Rich_Beardsley,

99 suggestion

Vojvoda 6 TwinkleRose,

A bug that makes me kill anyone.

ibraheemmohsen 4 mohammadabdulwahab,

bug or cheating in 1000 miles

mohammadabdulwahab 2 mohammadabdulwahab,

suggestion for streaming files at tables

KittyCat15 3 aims,

audiogames forum is now in deutch

pikawax 5 StormProductions,

If any of you use OBS studio, please help.

KittyCat15 0 KittyCat15,

the killer

the.wind 45 KittyCat15,

dog vs cats

chameleon 35 KittyCat15,

an error I have been getting

KittyCat15 2 KittyCat15,

An interesting bug with the friends list

Urh2006 3 Nikola,

tip: edit forum posts from the windows client

mejunjosio 3 Spongebob,

NVDA beeping/announcing progress bar updates when playing media files on Windows 11

supanut2000 7 Sajad-Aliraqi,

Scopa bug.

Naday 2 Naday,

Chat input history broken on the web client, bug or intentional?

Nikola 2 Aminiel,

Backgammon doesn't work correctly with no score limit

Nikola 1 Aminiel,

Looking for Arabic teacher

gatia 3 Tayem,

Topic about playing windows and ios games on android

Rizwan 4 Disquete,

suggestion about the game of uno

mejunjosio 0 mejunjosio ,

quiz party suggestion

Rory101 30 YNWA,

General Playroom Suggestions

Isaac5457 1 Nikola,

audiovault is gone

augma 2 Spongebob,

Game advice

SheWolf 13 SheWolf,

Duck racing musical duels - a possible bug report or just a misunderstanding

Nikola 15 Naday,

Duck racing tournament conclusion, congratulations to Sylphrena

Nikola 1 Naday,

Web Client Text Goes Too Fast

bbsshawn 17 Aminiel,

Poker bugs and improvements

Mr.Superman 6 Mr.Superman,

Duck racing tournament - groups draw

Nikola 2 Nikola,

Permanent message notifications are broken

Nikola 0 Nikola,

Bugs and suggestions to duck racing

majoz 3 Naday,

The upcoming 2022 tournament of... Press enter, maybe?

Adventure-Time 12 ibraheemmohsen,

About arcade games and music/streams.

Naday 0 Naday,

Duck racing tournament

Nikola 22 unolover,

A major bug with Duck racing, occasional game crash with frozen players

Nikola 1 gemmi,

Table Assignments and Other Important Information Pertaining To Tomorrow's Yahtzee Tournament

Lexy 1 unolover,

Something i found in duck racing: typo.

Emerald 3 Emerald,

add support for another formats of music

SheWolf 1 Aminiel,

Eurovision 2022 topic

OrsoNero 1 Disquete,

15 puzzle.

Naday 1 spaceship,

winner for the Yatzy tournament.

eathan 0 eathan,

yahtzee tournament

eathan 20 Pangeran_daksa,



Chess variation: Shogi

ryan97 0 ryan97,

web client problems

ekarin 19 ekarin,

thing that I don't know about it in 1000 miles

ibraheemmohsen 4 Nikola,

suggestion for removing disconnecting and reconnecting messages on main room.

Imani 9 aims,

ChromeVox says new line after every message in the web client.

slannon 3 Bopitmaster16,

4004 topics, 81 pages:  1 17 1819 20 21 81 ← Go back to forum list

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