Statistics: 1000 miles

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General game statistics of 1000 miles

Last reset: Feb 15 2014 14:29:07

Number of games played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
Total 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0
Number of rounds played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
Deutsch 8 654 (6.86%) 117 533 (93.14%) 126 187 (0.84%)
English 1 481 929 (22.78%) 5 022 567 (77.22%) 6 504 496 (43.29%)
Español 468 334 (18.78%) 2 025 225 (81.22%) 2 493 559 (16.6%)
Français 303 791 (12.98%) 2 035 779 (87.02%) 2 339 570 (15.57%)
Italiano 97 106 (9.57%) 917 690 (90.43%) 1 014 796 (6.75%)
Português 550 272 (25.69%) 1 591 795 (74.31%) 2 142 067 (14.26%)
русский 25 086 (7.23%) 321 788 (92.77%) 346 874 (2.31%)
Srpski 14 794 (28.69%) 36 765 (71.31%) 51 559 (0.34%)
Total 2 949 968 (19.64%) 12 069 155 (80.36%) 15 019 123

Statistics Any language Any bots

Number of rounds and games played
  Total Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly
Games3 305 816840.45 88225 211306 933
Rounds15 023 9443 81926 734114 5751 394 916
Rounds in finished games11 465 2212 91520 40287 4351 064 502

Approximatively 76.31% of the games are played to their end, while 23.69% seem to be interrupted in the middle.

Duration of rounds :

Options usage

Most addicted players

This ranking lists the players who played the most rounds and games since the last reset.

  1. joel: 67 953 rounds played
  2. ronph: 60 450 rounds played
  3. picasso-pablo: 60 333 rounds played
  4. tourterelle: 57 115 rounds played
  5. mahir-kerimov: 56 883 rounds played
  6. murray.r: 55 999 rounds played
  7. dusuneninsan: 48 983 rounds played
  8. luisfernandes27: 46 920 rounds played
  9. lematou17: 46 131 rounds played
  10. kayodo: 43 943 rounds played
  11. juvepersempre: 42 506 rounds played
  12. delipoyraz: 40 911 rounds played
  13. neandertalecgame: 40 584 rounds played
  14. silviayotto: 40 569 rounds played
  15. liiss: 40 350 rounds played
  16. Butterfly925: 37 098 rounds played
  17. mariabatistabraga: 36 002 rounds played
  18. geaigeaizenn: 35 889 rounds played
  19. bouchon: 35 884 rounds played
  20. mamidan: 35 143 rounds played
  21. thanhson2002: 34 780 rounds played
  22. tigresse: 33 699 rounds played
  23. iuli45: 33 588 rounds played
  24. bruna1971: 32 868 rounds played
  25. miriam: 32 502 rounds played
  26. silveriomorais: 32 222 rounds played
  27. mestre: 32 151 rounds played
  28. lebaroudeur: 31 430 rounds played
  29. bugati: 30 677 rounds played
  30. brindemuguet: 30 430 rounds played

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