Bug reports

922 topics, 19 pages:  1 6 78 9 10 19 ← Go back to forum list

Subject Author Nb. answ. Latest message

a bug in math duo and another in zanzibar

Fawaz 4 Rincewind ,

Barbu: I Got 80 Points Instead Of Losing them!

The-white-dove 3 Epic_Krrish,

can't connect to either client.

TheEvilChocolateCookie 1 Nikola,

Barbu: The total number of rounds is not displayed while pressing the letter R

The-white-dove 3 Nikola,

A bug in duck racing with droppable cards and frozen players

Nikola 5 YNWA,

Issue with Barbu

Magenta-Unicorn 2 Magenta-Unicorn,

Alert to admins, public Uno table has been up for 3 days with player who is not online

ChrisCornell 2 la_serpiente ,

Barbu: Missing options on the Web client

Nikola 0 Nikola,

Question about speed challenges duck racing

Coastergirl92 2 Coastergirl92,

Barbo f1 dont works in English.

pax1 1 Nikola,

Bug with Barbu

Giovani 1 Marina,

Safari and web client sounds, can it be fixed?

Nikola 5 jackson95,

New game which not works. Barbu.

ogoniciel 9 Aminiel,

Problem with web client sounds on windows browsers

Sajad-Aliraqi 2 Sajad-Aliraqi,

Question Cards on Duck Racing

Magenta-Unicorn 2 Aminiel,

unnecessary and strange changes in duck racing

Kristen_Star 14 Cristina ,

being frozen in Duck Racing

TwinkleRose 10 YNWA,

Saving doesn't work correctly in Battleship

Nikola 0 Nikola,

Dice rolls in saved free tables

Jeff-Rutkowski 2 Nikola,

problem with rummy

TiffanyJ 0 TiffanyJ,

2 people can enter the game and 1 person can start when some person is goes away and table admin managing settings of the game

colonel 0 colonel,

Reversi: A button missing on the web client

Nikola 1 phoenix009,

Duck racing

sodanisavit01 1 StormProductions,

monopoly bug

alee 0 alee,

bug in duck racing with bots

whozitken 5 Aminiel,

Possible error in the game Zanzibar.

facelessghost 2 Aminiel,

3 Possible Bugs in Duck Racing

ChrisCornell 2 Aminiel,


Elvisforever 1 Aminiel,

Audio streams

Mohammedradwan2003 0 Mohammedradwan2003,

Are there two passwords for Quentin

Moriarty 2 Moriarty,

a wierd and hilarious bug

godfather 2 Nikola,

a funny bug

godfather 0 godfather,


Naday 0 Naday,

Issues with statistic tables

Giovani 2 Giovani ,

Issue with points of Uno

Giovani 2 Giovani ,

issue in ducks race when landing on ducklings nest Square

eathan 0 eathan,

Bug with selection in text boxes.

Naday 5 Naday,

Issue when trying to stream audio in the web client in Safari on a Mac and also with resynchronization

HappyCatFace 3 JMouse,

Belote Bug

Sylphrena 1 Nikola,

A bug while playing in the latest version of edge an narrator

fatih 10 Alan1003,

Question about Thar deserd in Quiz party

Giovani 1 YNWA,

playroom translation request

dragonoid 2 phoenix_rising,

Interesting bug with the latest update in Chess

Nikola 8 Nikola,

about the duck's race

SametAlim 5 Rory101,



no statistics for ducks race

Rory101 0 Rory101,

have fun inviting your friend who is with you

Mohammedradwan2003 1 godfather,

Strange bug related to an uno table

Cristina 4 Nikola,

A little bug in duck race.

gatita77 0 gatita77 ,

funny a bug

SametAlim 4 Nikola,

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