Recent topics

3987 topics, 80 pages:  1 44 4546 47 48 80 ← Go back to forum list

Subject Author Nb. answ. Latest message

Are statistics for some games incorrect?

Nikola 6 Aminiel,

Season 2, Uno league.

Epic_Krrish 87 Fawaz,

French tarot tournament results

Cristina 8 policeman1,

if sum one play desofio mortal

unisabbas 2 Vojvoda ,

Searching programmers and editors

canada 8 canada ,

bug in uno

musiclover 3 play_romania1,

blocking people without a reason

cork 29 diamond,

Arabic language support in playroom

Qais 96 Amine,

(Solved): Bug with the latest update

Nikola 8 Nikola,

New Book club launch

Mayank 7 afrim,

French tarot rounds

Sevrior 0 Sevrior,

Spades: bot fails to follow suit

xorg 6 HeadphoneJack,

French Tarot. Join or be a frog in a pan.

Sevrior 15 Cristina ,

New Playroom windows client available: 2.2.8 RC

Aminiel 32 Aminiel,

Suggestion for tables menu

Nikola 10 the-raven ,

A strange thing that happened me in Poker

Exink 0 Exink,

New alternative to Tapin radio

Giovani 4 Maldalain,

French tarot rules.

Sevrior 0 Sevrior,

A suggestion for french tarot

Cristina 0 Cristina ,

The matches for semi-final of jass tournament

Cristina 8 Nikola,

new categories in quiz party?

TheOracle 16 YNWA,

Jass tournament results

Cristina 2 Angelina-princess,

next weekends turniment

musiclover 2 musiclover,

a sugestion to the admins.

sanagui_dj 5 sanagui_dj ,


Sevrior 7 balasana ,

Bug while sending history reports (web client)

Exink 2 Exink,

A bug with the Quiz Party's question submitter names

Sajad-Aliraqi 2 Paddy_Irishman,

Problem with busy and available (probably has to be with spectator mode)

Dayan 3 Nikola,

jass tournament draw

Cristina 9 Cristina ,

Suggestion for quiz party

Nikola 3 Fawaz,

A bug in Monopoly

Sajad-Aliraqi 5 Sajad-Aliraqi,

Team Uno

shawnmays 3 shawnmays,

Error 7007 in bouillabaisse with bots

Nikola 0 Nikola,

The Webclient of The QuentinC's Playroom lags when typing quickly

Ramon-Salazar 7 Amine,

Belote tournament

Nikola 28 musiclover,

A request for jass

Cristina 2 Cristina ,

(Solved) An interesting bug in backgammon

Nikola 1 Aminiel,

bogue in 1000 miles

mohammedradwan9564 1 Mazdak ,

What is your favourite culture?

Giovani 9 fire-starter,

(Solved) Bug in jass

Nikola 1 Aminiel,

a bug in Monopoly

markusni 0 markusni,

A bug in uno

Nikola 0 Nikola,

Monopoly announcement of figure amount

shawnmays 3 Nikola,

A bug about questions in the Quiz party

Mazdak 1 Nikola,


TheOracle 1 Nikola,

Banning without a fair reason.

Mazdak 7 Mazdak ,

Spades: bonus with 6 players

Sylphrena 1 Vojvoda ,

suggestion regarding stats for games

tyson 2 Vojvoda ,

Bots in Spades

Vojvoda 0 Vojvoda ,

Regarding eloquence crashwords

Nikola 3 bloodsharp ,

3987 topics, 80 pages:  1 44 4546 47 48 80 ← Go back to forum list

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